I can't believe how many days it's been since I wrote last.... what a week, being sick and then training my butt off to be a lifeguard, it was hard to check in with my heart at all! But the thing that is on my heart the most today is the new found confidence I feel! This week was tough, I had to overcome a lot of self doubt while training with 17 other people in my lifeguarding class, 17, 15-20 year olds I should mention. I really had to reach down deep and remind myself that although I am older than they are and not in great shape, I have the ability to be a great lifeguard, I have the maturity, empathy and understanding to handle working with families and I am very confident in my swimming skills and in my ability to handle myself and my surroundings in an emergency. But the first day all that went out the window and all I could think was, "what am I doing here? I'm not only out of shape... I'm too old for this?" I really had to talk myself into getting into the training not listening to that voice in me that was trying to tear me down and just do it! And last night, driving away from the Rec Center with the knowledge that I had passed my class and passed my tests, I felt a new found confidence in myself! I can do it! I can do anything that I choose to! And it feels great! It's amazing to me how often in my life I have talked myself out of things because they are hard, or unconventional or whatever, so the fact that this time I did not talk myself out of it and passed (with very few mistakes, I might add), well it feels awesome! And I just pray that the people I know and love will not listen to the voice in their heads that discourages them but to the voice that says... You KNOW you can do this! And go for it!
Love ya! :)
Love ya! :)