thank you... for my feeling of discontent
I see the most amazing counselor! (Yes I have issues, and I am not trying to hide that! :) )Anyway, today, like many days, she said something that really got me thinking. She was praying for me, at the end of the session and in her prayer she thanked God for my discontentment. I was floored by that for some reason. It's not like I haven't thought about it before, but I thought about it in a new way today. We are ALL SO discontent with our lives, it's the reason America is in so much trouble... because we've spent so much time and money and effort into finding things, getting bigger houses, better cars, a new different color iPod, etc etc. We just always feel a bit discontent. It's not so much that we are trying to keep up with the Joneses, although some people are... it's that we don't feel settled. We always feel we could have more or be more or that just something isn't right! It isn't actually money we desire more of or cuter clothes or bigger houses. Because there will never be enuogh money or a big enough house or cute enough clothes, never! Because what makes us deep inside feel discontent is something God created us to feel. It's a longing for Him. It's just that so many of us, choose to believe that it's not God, that it's something else, and if we believe it's something else we'll never get at what it really is! So many of us have just written God off because we don't like religious people or the rules Churches teach or the conservative attitudes or whatever... but it's not about that! It's really not. Really Gods only goal is to woo you, to have you fall in love with Him so that He can lead you to a better life. Not an easier, more peaceful life necessarily, but a better, more content life! Anyway, sorry I went off there for a second...back to the counseling... what floored me about my counselor saying that today is that I have been many places, I have done a lot in my life, and through it all I keep going back to this deep longing in me. Something in me that says, "this just doesn't feel right". It's not just that I don't really like my house, or that I feel I live in a cookie cutter neighborhood, it's that I know there is more! I am called to more! Plain and simple. And it may turn some people off, friends, even good friends, may feel that I am too religious or self righteous or whatever. But what I said to my counselor today is one of the truest things I have ever said. I told her that after I returned from Ireland I felt rejected by a lot of people because I guess they felt I was too religious and too self righteous. However I think it's because for the first time I had some confidence in what I believed. And some confidence in myself. It was something people hadn't seen in me before. I honestly was not trying to convert everyone or trying to make anyone believe what I believed, I just wanted to be able to be myself. At the time I was more confident for sure, but it was still new for me... and I eventually shelved that side of me. I decided, as I told her, that it wasn't enough that I liked the new me... I wanted them to like me too! But since then, I have felt a great feeling of discontent.... and I think I know why! I need to return to being the person God created me to be, even if sometimes that person seems self righteous. I don't intend to be. I intend to love people where they are at, at all times! I really do love people, sometimes too much, sometimes more than myself, and that's the point. I have to love others while loving me first! So thank you Lord for the feeling of discontent... please help me to keep working towards contentment.
And yes, thank you God for discontentment and for Deb. I hope I can have the same courage as you to dig deeper. Love ya - Cin
This one hit on the truth! I agree that when you came home you were in a good place, a legitimate place, the place you belong! It sounds cliche, but you do not need the world's approval...they rejected Jesus...hello!
For me the turning point was thinking about the people I respected, admired and wanted to emulate. What did they have in common, faith. If I do not respect someone, why should I respect their opinion of me.
Keep digging, you are on the path to truth!