So... I have been feeling very much like I need to be writing! I've been feeling it for years and just been ignoring it, but today I am going for it!

So the Lord, yes, I went there right away, the Lord, has been pressing on my heart a lot lately! There has been something weighing me down for awhile now. It's part of the Our Father. It's the part that says , "..forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who tresspass against us..." Lately when I pray the Our Father it's like that part is yelled out loud in my heart... so I've been asking myself, how well do I forgive? Easily? The answer to that is NO! I don't forgive well at all. Whether it's the annoying driver who cuts me off or the government who we feel is stealing our well earned money, or that friend from highschool who wants to be friends on facebook and I ignore them because of something in the past... I see now there are tons of ways that I am not forgiving. I am really struggling with that! And the closer I look at that, the more I realize how much it affects my heart! It keeps my heart closed off to the true blessings that God has for me because I am so busy being careful to not get hurt again because I haven't let go of the past hurts! How can you move on and let go and be open if you are still hanging on to past hurts, or still feeling resentful towards annoying drivers or impatient people in the store? Or these days, getting all bitter over the news? I can't be open to where God wants me to be, or what He wants from me if my heart if full of bitterness and resentment! So I am trying really hard to forgive! I am working on asking for forgiveness. But I know that we are all so busy right now, trying to make ends meet, trying to stay afloat, and unstressed and heal from our pasts, that we're not seeing each other and we're making it worse! Let's slow down, realize that other drivers are stressed too, that other people in the store are just trying not to freak out about their bank accounts as they pick up just a few items. We are all in this together! We need to open our hearts! Stop thinking and worrying so much and let our hearts speak to us! That's what I am trying to do. And that's what I am going to be doing here on my blog... opening my heart!
Join me! Love to you all!


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