waking up...
You know how when you first wake up in the morning (at least for us non morning people) you feel groggy and almost out of place, like there is a fog around you? And it takes a few minutes to convince yourself that you can and will get up? You spend a minute or two just kinda looking around, stretching, maybe thinking about your day, or your dreams last night? You almost moan and groan yourself awake? That's how waking up to my heart is some days. I am reading this amazing book called Waking the Dead by John Eldredge. It's all about how we busy ourselves and grow more and more disconnected from our hearts, which is our connection to God and to others. So since I started reading it, and at the suggestion of my awesome counselor... I have been dedicating an hour to my heart everyday the past few days. And it's tough. I have to really push through the fog, and talk myself into connecting with myself. I have to almost moan and groan my heart awake. It's so easy to thi...