Ok with my mess
I have a story, like we all do. My life has involved betrayal, trauma, unexpected joys and surprises, death and life all swirled together. One day maybe I’ll share more of my story here. But today is not that day. Today I just felt the need to be transparent about the highs and lows of life. I would say for the most part, despite having healing to do from my past, I am a fairly happy person, who can find the silver lining in almost any thing. But yesterday, yesterday was a bad day. It’s hard to say what set me off.... was it lack of sleep, or a disobedient child or just too many burdens being piled on me at once? I don’t know... but full disclosure I found myself in the fetal position in my room unable to stop crying. The weight of the day, the week, the year and all the years pressing on my heart until it just had to come out. As I lay crying I just allowed myself to feel all the feels from 46 years. Like literally I was just a mess. Michael finally ...